Pocket Move Me

We Help Get You There Before You Get There

*Beta v1.0 can only search the Four Corner States at this time. Don't you worry, updates are on the way.

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City Profile
Points of interest:

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For more information about an overview of this city please visit  moving.com.

School Districts
School Districtsclose

For more information about schools in this city please visit  School Digger.


For more information about apartments in this city please visit  apartments.com.


Moving Made Easy

We help you make the decision on where you want to live before you ever get there. We will provide all the information you need, so rest assured we got your back on this one! We might not help you pick up your boxes but we can guarantee we will make moving as painless as possible once you decide where you want to live. So lay back, pull out your media device and start planning your next destination!


Your Pocket Can Help You Move

We are not talking about how deep your pockets are, well at least not until you decide where you want to go. We utilize API frameworks to put every decision in your hands before you start physically moving. We can help you with location cost, crime rate info, job planning and school infromation so that you can be confident in the decision you are making. I mean it's scary to move to a new city so let us take the fear out of the framework, LITERALLY.


We Said It Works But Others Can Testify

"When I decided to move to Arizona from New Jersey I was confused on where to start and ulitmatly how to get there. Lucky for me I found Pocket Move Me and was able to decide on Arizona based on all it's in depth key data information. Thank you pocket move me for saving my wallet and my frustrations!"
-Jason Meadows Esq.

An interactive framework with realtime data on the go.
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Contact Us

Pocket Move Me is here to provide you with more information, answer any questions you may have and provide effective solutions to issues you might encounter. Our Solutions Center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It has an average response time of under one hour. We are committed to continuous improvement. Your feedback and suggestions are valuable to us because they highlight opportunities to improve the quality of our services. To submit your feedback, please contact Info@PocketMoveMe.com

City data tailored to your ulitmate goals!
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